The latest features, updates, fixes and improvements to Penna

Proposal templates
You are now able to save a proposal as a template, to use it as a base for a new proposal.

Proposal variables
You are now able to add custom variables in a proposal, to adapt the layout to another client without the need to change the copy.

Schedule the link email
You are now able to schedule the sending of the link email to the client, to send it at the best time for the client.

Bulk send proposal credentials
You are now able to send the credentials to access the proposal to multiple recipients at once with a formatted email with variables.

Internal approval workflow
You are now able to let your team members request for approval to a manager before sending the proposal to the client.

Text formatting dialog
You are now able to format the text (bold,underline,italic,link...) directly in the proposal with a new text formatting dialog.

You are now able to add clients to your account, and manage the proposals for each client.

Proposal revisions
You are now able to let your clients make revisions directly in the proposal, to make the process faster and more efficient.

Legally binding e-signatures
You are now able to sign your proposals with a legally binding e-signature directly from the proposal page.

Collect payments
You are now able to collect payments directly from the proposal, with a payment gateway integration.

Save proposal in PDF
You are now able to save your proposal in PDF format so you can send it to your client offline.

Team Collaboration to share editing
You are now able to share the editing of a proposal with your team members, so you can work together on the proposals of your company.

Realtime comments in the proposal
You are now able to add comments inside the proposal, to discuss with your team members about the changes you need to make.

Undo last actions
You are now able to undo / redo the last actions you made in the proposal, and see the edits hystory.

AI Review and Suggestions
We added a new ai functionality to the proposal editing page that can review the proposal, make suggestions and help you to improve the structure of it.

Generate with AI utility dialog
We added a new dialog to the generate with AI utility, to make it more intuitive and easy to generate the content of your proposal directly in the proposal page.
Now you can choose to rephrase text, to generate entirely new, or to continue the text inline in the proposal page.

Generate with AI button in edit compoent modal
We added a new AI button in the edit component modal.
Now you can generate the entire component with the AI directly from the edit modal.

Inline text editing
You can now edit the text directly in the proposal, without opening the modal.
Just click on the text you want to edit, and you are now able to edit it directly in the proposal.

Client and your company details to more precise proposals
On the create proposal modal, you can now your client company details add your company details and , to help the AI to generate copy for the proposal in a more precise way and convert more.

Custom background color
You can now customize the background color of your proposals. You can choose your own primary color of your brand, and the software will automatically generate a gradient all the shades based on your primary color.

Ai-utility button
We upgraded the ai-utility button in the modal to edit a component to make it more intuitive and easy to use. Now you can choose to rephrase text, to generate entirely new, or to continue the text

Custom Domains
You can now use your own domain to host your proposals and give your clients a more customized and branded experience. This feature is now available for all plans.

Analitycs are now available for all plan, with this feature a company will be able to see when and where a proposal is opened, giving the company a better understanding of the client's interest. And you will be notified with an email every time your proposal will be opened. available in public beta!
We're excited to share that is officially available in public beta!
We've been working hard to make sure that the app is ready for you to use.
We're still working on some features, but we're excited to share what we've built so far.
We're looking forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions.
Create proposals and share them with your clients, and let us know what you think!